Presentation and papers
Presentation and papers
Abstract submission
- Abstract submission deadline 19 May
- Notification of abstract acceptance 16 June
- Extended abstract submission deadline 23 July
Snow 2025 abstract topics
a) Risk management
b) Planning, design, construction
c) Mitigation measures; simulations, experiments, experiences
d) Environment and Society
Abstract guidelines for Snow 2025
- Only English abstracts are accepted
- Only 1 abstract topic listed above can be selected; please choose the most appropriated one for each submission
- There is no limit on the maximum number of abstracts per participant. However, only a maximum of one oral presentation per person will be granted. Please indicate your preference Oral or Poster.
- No submission fees
- Title: maximum 140 characters
- Text: maximum 200 words
- A link to the Word document is here: SNOW2025_abstract_template.docx
Extended abstract guidelines for Snow 2025
All presenters – both oral and poster presenters – are required to submit a conference proceedings paper that details their presentation and will be included in the SNOW2025 pdf-Proceedings.
Deadline for extended abstract is July 23, 2025.
Papers delivered later cannot be guaranteed to be included in the Proceedings of the SNOW2025.
Information on the paper layout is available in the Word template: SNOW2025_extended_abstract_template.docx